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  3. Twitter Accounts to follow if you are an MBA student or professional

Twitter Accounts to follow if you are an MBA student or professional

Published by MBA Skool Team in Management category Last Updated: April 13, 2015Read time:

Twitter is one of the great ways to get updated on trends and various topics. As a business student or a professional, twitter can help you be updated about what is going on in the business world. You can follow various twitter accounts for such updates. You can get instant tweets from these accounts and keep yourself up to date. You can read latest news, new trends, articles, view informational videos. Here is a list of such twitter accounts which you can follow.


7K Tweets with 4,500+ followers, average 3-4 tweets daily

It is an official twitter handle by British Broadcasting Corporation-world’s oldest national broadcasting organization. It aims at delivering latest global business news and issues to its global audience.  This Twitter handle provides news updates on variety of topics such as changing laws on private information sharing over social media, Asian stock market updates, speculation on possible US FED rate increase, IT & Software firm related technology updates, emerging markets & economies, brilliant advertisement and promotional campaigns, on-going Euro crisis and updates regarding economic conditions of Greece and other Eurozone countries, Global mergers & acquisitions, Jobs &  Empowerment related global issues, innovative employee/customer engagement techniques by MNCs, Trade affairs between countries, Political reforms affecting local/global business, Major investments by top MNCs, Future technologies etc.


34K Tweets with 11K followers, average 5-7 tweets daily

To be into one of the premier B-Schools you need an excellent GMAT score. This Twitter handle is everything you require to ace the GMAT. BeatTheGMAT provides latest tips, strategies & techniques to excel your performance in GMAT. They featured special stories on student achievements who’ve improved their scores in GMAT through successive attempts using additional tips and techniques. Stories are framed as - from 510 to 710 , From 640 twice to 720, 550-610 to 710 in 8 months etc. Apart from score improving tips in GMAT, They also provide updates on latest trends in all major disciplines of management- Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management and Operations Management. This Twitter account also gives updates on top B-Schools, changes in their admission process, various courses offered and about their Alumni network. It also provides important tips to deal with quantitative and verbal problems in any MBA entrance exams.

@FastCompany  & @30SecMBA

100K Tweets with 1.7M followers, average 1 tweet per hour daily

Both are official Twitter account run by Fast Company business media brand. It offers quick piece of advice from leaders of some of the   world’s leading organizations. FastCompany has a vision to inspire readers to think beyond traditional boundaries & create the future of business. Fast Company currently handles three different franchises: Most Innovative Companies, Most Creative People in Business, and Masters of Design. For their Most Innovative Companies feature, Fast Company assesses thousands of businesses based on creativity, real-world impact, risk taking, and execution to create a list of just 50 companies. The Most Creative People in Business is a list of 100 people from a wide range of industries assessed by FastCompany. This Twitter handle provides tweet feed on topics such as Motivational / Inspirational quotes & speeches from business leaders, Technological changes, future technology, creative techniques used by business houses, Innovative management tips, Top Innovative companies in each domains of Management disciplines, Top advertisements, Viral business feeds, success stories etc.


201K Tweets with 999K followers, average 2-3 tweets per hour daily.

This is an official Twitter account run by Business Insider- an American business & technology news website. It is known for providing analysis on business news/updates. Business Insider is also known for hosting industry conferences such as IGNITION, which explores the emerging business models of digital media and its subscription based research service BI Intelligence. The site each year publishes editorial franchises such as the "Digital 100: The World's Most Valuable Private Tech Companies. The site provides and analyses business news and acts as an aggregator of top news stories from around the web. It provides useful tweet updates on emerging business models, data analysis, technology platforms, editorials/research articles, business laws across geographies, analysis of business firms & their strategies, political decisions and their implications on global trade, films & entertainment, scientific analysis on business models etc.


29.7K Tweets with 2M followers, average 8-10 tweets per day

It is an official twitter account by Harvard Business Review- a general management magazine published by Harvard Business Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Harvard University. Through this twitter account they promote their blog posts, management tips, and interesting stats from the website. This is a highly reputable source among B-Schools across worl. HBR also provides pre-induction online courses for those who’re about to join a B-School. Many B-Schools and premier colleges have a tie up with rich source of HBR case-studies on management & business. This twitter account give regular updates on Leadership articles, organizational behaviour & changes, operational strategy & implementation, marketing phenomenon & latest trends, financial jargons, Human resource management, Research article / blog posts, Data analytics, cultural differences at workplaces/countries, management tips for small & medium scale businesses, online management related courses etc.


7K Tweets with 4.8M followers, daily updates on TEDx events, Talk videos happening worldwide

It is an official feed for TED.Com where TED stands for- T-Technology, E-Entertainment, D-Design. It is a global set of events and conferences where leading thinkers, social activists, technology drivers, business leaders come together and share their inspiring thoughts in the form of TED Talk. TEDx is an independently organized TED event, which is more popular among universities and colleges across globe. TED Talks give useful ‘gyaan’ which an MBA course may not able to teach you. It widens the area of one’s thinking capacity and provides out-of-box solutions for global issues. Every day via this twitter account you can follow latest TED Talks in the fields of technology, entertainment, society, business, and sports to culture & humanity,  strategy implementation & execution, future advancements, leadership series, cultural diversity, Top Influential stories, social & political reforms etc.

@Davos – World Economic Forum

14.3K Tweets with 309K followers, average 12-15 tweets per day

It’s one of the most reliable source for updates on Global Economic issues and their impacts. This twitter account is run by World Economic Forum, situated in Geneva, Switzerland. It has been named ‘Davos’ because of forum’s annual winter meeting in Davos, a mountain resort in Graubünden, in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland. The meeting invites some 2,500 top business leaders, international political leaders, selected intellectuals, and journalists to debate & discuss severe global issues related to business, economy, health, technology & environment. If you want Tweet updates on: Business analysts, research articles & journals, management updates on all major disciplines, emerging markets/technologies, digital marketing tools, economic updates across globe, political/economic reforms and their effect on business, agricultural & farming techniques, banking & financial updates, health & environment, global leaders, future of existing/evolving technologies, food productivity & techniques, citizen engagement policies for regional development – then @Davos is the most reliable source over Twitter.


7,800+ Tweets with 53.7K followers, average 3-4 tweets daily

This is an official Twitter handle for business world related updates by Financial Times. FT is one of the leading newspaper especially focused on business & economic news worldwide. It provides regular tweet updates on emerging market trends, technology advancements, company valuations, mergers & acquisition deals, global economic issues, MBA stories across leading B-Schools, International MBA competitions, latest updates on Data analytics and Big Data, Internationally acclaimed popular MBA blogs, Global trade policies/laws, start-ups in emerging economies etc.


60.9K Tweets with 1.2M followers, average 1 tweet per hour daily

If you want to become an Entrepreneur or interested in small-medium level businesses then this is a most recommended twitter account to follow. It is an official feed by Entrepreneur Magazine. This Twitter handle gives daily tweet feed on : business contracts, budding entrepreneurs, innovative entrepreneurial ideas, brand management tips, Tips for women & young entrepreneurs, business communication tips, social media trends, employee relationship management, failures / mistakes by entrepreneurs etc.


92.7K Tweets with 4.93M followers, average 10-12 tweets per day

This is an official Twitter handle for Forbes.Com- A home page for world’s business leaders. Forbes is a wellknown American magazine run by Forbes, Inc. They are known for their various lists and rankings. i.e., The richest Americans (the Forbes 400) and rankings of world's top companies (the Forbes Global 2000).

By following to @Forbes you’ll get constant tweet feed upon: Latest Financial/Investment related information, Industry trends, Articles on all major disciplines of business, Latest technology / gadgets, Signing deals/contracts of globally renowned personalities, interesting stats/figures, Lifestyle/life story of Forbes 400 (400 richest people), new emerging trends in business world, work culture at various firms etc.

You can also follow @MBASkool() if you like.

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