1. SWOT Analysis
  2. Heavy Engineering
  3. Kubota SWOT Analysis

Kubota SWOT Analysis

Here is a detailed SWOT analysis of Kubota covering strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Published by MBA Skool Team in Heavy Equipment & Engineering category Last Updated: August 29, 2023Read time:

Kubota Strengths

  1. Has a wide revenue stream coming from its various subsidiaries in various sectors
  2. Has a huge product portfolio in the agricultural sector and in almost all agricultural applications
  3. Excellent engine quality and optimum fuel consumption are the VOC
  4. Strong presence in the industry alongwith a credible financial performance
  5. Over 25,000 employees add to the strength of the brand

Above are the strengths in the SWOT Analysis of Kubota. The strengths of Kubota looks at the key internal factors of its business which gives it competitive advantage in the market and strengthens its position.

Kubota Weaknesses

  1. Presence only in few countries apart from Japan; Domestic economic condition could prove harmful
  2. Weak after market service in spite of being a veteran company in the industry

These were the weaknesses in the Kubota SWOT Analysis. The weaknesses of a brand are certain aspects of its business which it can improve.

Kubota Opportunities

  1. Rising demand in developing countries like South Africa, Brazil etc. where it has limited presence
  2. Rise in the agricultural activities and in the Government spend on the same
  3. Improvement in technology in enhancing operational efficiencies

Above we covered the opportunities in Kubota SWOT Analysis. The opportunities for any brand can include prospects of future growth.

Kubota Threats

  1. The company domestically faced a lot of nature related problems which hampered their production significantly
  2. Competition is blocking its strategy to penetrate developing markets

The threats in the SWOT Analysis of Kubota are as mentioned above. The threats for any business can be external factors which can negatively impact its business.

Hence this concludes the Kubota SWOT analysis.

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About Kubota

The table below gives the brand overview along with its target market, segmentation, positioning & USP

Kubota Overview
Parent Company

Kubota Corporation, Japan


Heavy Equipment


Heavy Equipment & Engineering

Tagline/ Slogan

Everywhere, every moment; For Earth, For Life


Products that support both comfortable lifestyles and the foundation of our societies

Kubota STP

People and businesses who want equipment & machinery in the farm, water and environment applications

Target Market

People or Business who want products that will bring prosperity to the Company and happiness to employees


Contributing to people's lives and communities around the world

This article has been researched & authored by the Content & Research Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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