1. SWOT Analysis
  2. Consumer Electronics
  3. Whirlpool SWOT Analysis

Whirlpool SWOT Analysis

Here is a detailed SWOT analysis of Whirlpool covering strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Published by MBA Skool Team in Consumer Electronics category Last Updated: June 12, 2023Read time:

Whirlpool Strengths

  1. Whirlpool is one of the world’s largest major appliances maker by revenue
  2. The company focuses on identifying unique consumer insights and designing high-quality products
  3. It has more than 50 manufacturing and technology research centers around the world.
  4. Whirlpool caters to different markets and this diversity helps cope up downturn in one region
  5. It has established a strong profile in North America, Asia and Latin America
  6. The company has popular TVCs and print ad campaigns

Above are the strengths in the SWOT Analysis of Whirlpool. The strengths of Whirlpool looks at the key internal factors of its business which gives it competitive advantage in the market and strengthens its position.

Whirlpool Weaknesses

  1. Low market share growth owing to intense competition
  2. Over dependence on North American region as compared to other global players

These were the weaknesses in the Whirlpool SWOT Analysis. The weaknesses of a brand are certain aspects of its business which it can improve.

Whirlpool Opportunities

  1. High spending of consumers worldwide can give rise to increased consumption of appliances
  2. Improving demand for consumer products internationally can be an opportunity for Whirlpool
  3. Opportunity in growing markets due to predicted growth in CAGR in consumer appliances can be tapped

Above we covered the opportunities in Whirlpool SWOT Analysis. The opportunities for any brand can include prospects of future growth.

Whirlpool Threats

  1. Decreasing operating profit margin and net profit margins can impact the brand
  2. Slower growth & recession in major markets like US and Europe can reduce the business for Whirlpool
  3. Competition from low cost manufacturers would lead to reduction of margins

The threats in the SWOT Analysis of Whirlpool are as mentioned above. The threats for any business can be external factors which can negatively impact its business.

Hence this concludes the Whirlpool SWOT analysis.

About Whirlpool

The table below gives the brand overview along with its target market, segmentation, positioning & USP

Whirlpool Overview
Parent Company

Whirlpool Corporation


Home appliances


Consumer Electronics

Tagline/ Slogan

Every Home… Everywhere… with Pride, Passion and Performance


Produces energy efficient appliances

Whirlpool STP

Major appliances like dishwashers, microwaves, refrigeration & small appliances like vacuum cleaners, air treatment products etc

Target Market

Middle and upper class segments


Mid priced in the premium segment

This article has been researched & authored by the Content & Research Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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