1. Business Concepts
  2. Human Resources (HR)
  3. Organizational Discipline

Organizational Discipline

This article covers meaning & overview of Organizational Discipline from HRM perspective.

Published by MBA Skool Team in Human Resources Terms Last Updated: November 16, 2023Read time:

Organizational Discipline Definition

Organizational Discipline is the practice of self-restraint and learning to follow the best course of action which may not be ones’ desire. In team activities, where several individuals work towards a same goal, discipline is of utmost importance.

Organizations thrive on team work, and without discipline teams cannot function properly. It acts as the backbone of the organization structure and maintains order. Organization discipline thus can be explained as system of conducting the organizational proceedings by its members who abide by the guidelines laid out by the organization. It imbibes a sense of obedience towards the organization that works instinctively under different circumstances.


Objectives of organizational discipline:

• Improving and uplifting teamwork so that goals can be reached

• Creating a sense of harmony among individuals by making them follow the same set of rules

• Improving the sense of tolerance among employees


Features of organizational discipline:

• Training that improves individuals morally and mentally

• Controlling the natural instincts in certain situations like high pressure

• Earn obedience by following a systematic method

• Preserve order

• Train by instructing and controlling


Types of organizational discipline

• Self-discipline – This is the ideal situation where the employees themselves are motivated enough to regulate their actions like time management, priority setting etc. and the organization does not have to put in any extra effort

• Task discipline – In this situation the employee has to be responsible enough to do their job in the best way possible by them.

• Group discipline – Group discipline is teamwork. Most jobs in an organization require to be worked upon by a team, so group discipline is very important.


Importance of organizational discipline

• Protection – Having a disciplined work force ensures that the work environment is peaceful and provides a sense of security

• Improves performance – Discipline eradicated issues such as presentism, absenteeism, missing deadlines, etc.

• Increase in productivity – improved performance results in higher efficiency and productivity

• Promotes appropriate behaviour – Following a set of conduct naturally makes sure that all employees exhibit behaviour fitting the company’s image


Objective of organizational discipline is to mould the behaviour of its workforce by training and instruction to better achieve its goals. It is the supervisor’s duty to explain to his subordinates the necessary areas of improvement. This promotes employee wellbeing.


Hence, this concludes the definition of Organizational Discipline along with its overview.

This article has been researched & authored by the Business Concepts Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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