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  2. Operations and Supply Chain

Operations and Supply Chain Terms

Operations concepts, definitions and terms are covered in this Operations & SCM Dictionary. Operations & supplychain terms glossary covers concepts, definitions & tutorials related to SCM, inventory, logistics, warehousing, procurement, distribution and more.

Title Filter 
# Name Hits
1 24/7/365 8782
2 3D Loading 5638
3 3PL (Third Party Logistics) 20540
4 5 Point Annual Average 8251
5 5 Whys 21114
6 5S Program 7280
7 ABC Analysis 30908
8 ABC Inventory Control 15893
9 Abnormal Demand 22956
10 Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) 6667
11 Activity Analysis 10406
12 Activity- Based Planning (ABP) 12348
13 Actual Demand 9820
14 Aggregate Planning 10888
15 Air Cargo 8815
16 Air Waybill (AWB) 5525
17 Alternate Optimal Solution 33457
18 Arrival Rate Distribution 14445
19 Assemble To Order (ATO) 17707
20 Assembly Line 18334
21 Available to Promise (ATP) 21556
22 Average Speed of Answer 25540
23 AVL (Approved Vendor List) 21032
24 Batch Production 34706
25 Bill Discounting 12682
26 Bill of Materials (BOM) 9663
27 Blanket Purchase Order 6148
28 Blanket Release 8822
29 Bonded Warehouse 8984
30 Booking Number 12049
31 Bottleneck 8187
32 Buffer Stock 54614
33 Build to Stock 11742
34 Bullwhip Effect 8258
35 Business Logistics 22874
36 Business Performance Measurement (BPM) 11553
37 Capacity Management 35131
38 Capacity Utilization 12567
39 Capital Intensive 7082
40 Cash With Order (CWO) 7137
41 Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time 10760
42 Certified Supplier 8097
43 Channel Effectiveness 7978
44 Co-Destiny 8245
45 Co-managed Inventory 11171
46 Co-Packers 10735
47 Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) 5637
48 Computer-Based Training 6862
49 Consular Invoice 17973
50 Container Depot 9532
51 Container Freight Station 9368
52 Continuous Replenishment 18133
53 Continuous Replenishment Program 10931
54 Contract Carrier 6644
55 Contract of Affreightment 10429
56 Control Charts 7010
57 Cost Flow 9313
58 Courier Service 13395
59 CPFR 7151
60 Cumulative Lead Time 10724
61 Customer Supplier Relationship 40171
62 Date Code 16109
63 Days of Supply 18317
64 Dead on Arrival 7903
65 Dedicated Contract Carriage 6426
66 Design for Manufacture & Assembly (DFMA) 6980
67 Detective Control 7854
68 Devanning 13117
69 Direct Store Delivery (DSD) 9573
70 Dispatching 21059
71 Distributed Inventory 7505
72 Distribution Channel Management 31479
73 Distribution Metrics 7477
74 Distribution Planning 22770
75 Distribution Resource Planning (DRP-II) 13677
76 Double Marginalization 50173
77 DRP (Distribution Requirements Planning) 20910
78 Dual 4500
79 Early Supplier Involvement (ESI) 19450
80 Echelon Inventory 24989
81 Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) 36283
82 Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) 45439
83 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) 6609
84 Efficient Frontier 23435
85 Engineer-to-Order 29598
86 Equipment Cost or Setup Cost 14507
87 Erlang B Formula 8111
88 ETD 7268
89 Ex Works 7009
90 Exception Rate 11866
91 Exponential smoothing 8847
92 External Growth 8928
93 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FMEA 8420
94 Field Services 6976
95 Field Warehouse 8903
96 FIFO (First in First Out) 7015
97 Fishbone Diagram 13314
98 Fixed Order Quantity (FOQ) 24776
99 Flow Through Distribution 11057
100 FOB (Free On Board) 7023
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