Market Reach

This article covers meaning & overview of Market Reach from marketing perspective.

Published by MBA Skool Team in Marketing and Strategy Terms Last Updated: February 23, 2024Read time:

Market Reach Definition

Market reach is defined as the potential number of customers it is possible to reach through an advertising medium (like Television, Radio or Newspaper) or a promotional message or advertising campaign.

Reach refers to the number of people who are exposed, at least once to an advertising or promotional message. However, reach should not be confused with the actual number of people who shall be viewing the promotional message. It is just the number of people who are exposed to the medium and hence have the potential to see the advertisement.

For example, reach of a television can be defined as the percentage of population or households who are exposed to television for a certain amount of time per day. Any advertising campaign, looking to advertise on television (which will act as the medium) will therefore take this initial reach onto consideration when determining the number of people who shall be exposed to the advertisement.


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