1. Business Concepts
  2. Marketing and Strategy
  3. General Advertising

General Advertising

This article covers meaning & overview of General Advertising from marketing perspective.

Published by MBA Skool Team in Marketing and Strategy Terms Last Updated: May 12, 2023Read time:

General Advertising Definition

General Advertising is a form of marketing communication that does not seek direct response. It is a type of advertising which is used to create awareness about a product or services or about the Brand/Company itself over time. It differs from the directional advertising because the general advertisements have a universal appeal and do not concentrate on any particular target group.

These advertisements programs may be specific to the countries in which the company advertises its products/services. The aim is to ensure that every country’s advertisements suit the cultural requirements of consumers of that country. The general advertising campaign generally targets multiple goals like - informing the first-time users about any product/service, establishment of the brand in current market, luring current consumers to buy new products offerings, or the launching of a new product offering. The companies may use a single general advertising marketing campaign to achieve all these targets. General advertising can appear as both expensive and inexpensive to companies. The campaign can be very expensive if the company is trying to blanket the market with any current marketing message.

For example – A new product launch may need advertisements on mass media like television, newspapers and radio. Though they will increase the reach of marketing messages to a great extent, the advertising campaign on a national scale can be very expensive.

The general advertising can also appear as inexpensive with the usage of ‘one’ advertisement to blanket entire market. This reduces the production costs for any specific advertisement agenda. Another advantage of general advertising is that the advertisements can be retained and used for long time periods because of their general messages. For Example – Tata Namak – Desh ka Namak this type of generic advertisements can be used for long time which creates familiarity with brand amongst consumers and also save the cost of producing new advertisement.


Hence, this concludes the definition of General Advertising along with its overview.

This article has been researched & authored by the Business Concepts Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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