Cover Position

This article covers meaning & overview of Cover Position from marketing perspective.

Published by MBA Skool Team in Marketing and Strategy Terms Last Updated: April 29, 2024Read time:

Cover Position Definition

Cover position is a term used in reference to magazine ads where the ads can be placed in four special locations: Front cover, inside front cover, outside back cover and inside back cover. These four locations demand a premium to publish any ad.

The front cover is also called the first cover, inside front cover (IFC) is called the second cover, inside back cover (IBC) called the third cover and outside back cover called the fourth cover, which is the most expensive after the front cover. Which position is most appropriate for an ad also depends on the type of product. It is not always necessary that the front cover is the best.

For example, inside front cover is a powerful position to publish an ad, but if it is something like a coupon to be cut, it has been found that a majority of the population does not like cutting things out of the front cover. In such a case, inside the back cover or any other page in the magazine would be better. Also, it happens a lot of times that more than one ad is placed in one of these locations. In such a case, an ad which is placed at the top or bottom of the page grabs more attention than an ad which is placed in the middle. Keeping this fact in mind, out of the four premium locations, an ad placed in the middle of the back cover is the worst location because research says that this ad will go unnoticed many times.

Advantages of advertising in a cover position:

• More visibility

• More brand recall

• Generally more effective than the other ads

• More chance of being noticed by the consumer than the other ads

• Consumers spend more time on these ads than ads placed elsewhere in magazines

• More of people are exposed to these positions. For example, even when a magazine is in the stands, many people see these ads without buying the magazine

Examples of such ads: Mostly watches, bikes, cars are advertised on the outside back covers of magazines.


Hence, this concludes the definition of Cover Position along with its overview.

This article has been researched & authored by the Business Concepts Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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