1. Business Concepts
  2. Marketing and Strategy
  3. Mail Questionnaire

Mail Questionnaire

This article covers meaning & overview of Mail Questionnaire from marketing perspective.

Published by MBA Skool Team in Marketing and Strategy Terms Last Updated: June 27, 2023Read time:

Mail Questionnaire Definition

Mail questionnaire is a form of questionnaire which is mailed to targeted individuals, which has a collection of questions on a particular topic asked to them as a part of interview or survey which is used for conducting research on that topic. Questions asked in the mail questionnaire are generally dependent on knowledge of targeted individuals and are related to topic under research.

Advantages of Mail Questionnaire

Some of the advantages are:

1. They identity of individual filling the responses of questionnaire can be kept anonymous thus getting genuine replies from respondent. Also biasness in answers due to interviewer can be avoided.

2. It has more geographical reach and many respondents who otherwise could not have been part of survey can also reply their views in it.

3. With no interviewer required manpower requirement is less and also this technique is less time and money consuming compared to interviews.

Disadvantages of Mail Questionnaire

It has its fair share of disadvantages. Some drawbacks are:

1. The response rate of these questions is very less as respondents are having no incentive for taking the questionnaire.

2. Also most of the times these land up in Spam box of respondent and ignore it.

3. The questions can be interpreted differently by different individuals and may lead to ambiguity in responses.

4. Respondents also can’t ask any doubts in mail questionnaire and generally leave the questionnaire partially filled. Such partially filled questionnaire and low response rates does not give any concrete response of targeted individuals on the topic under consideration.

Hence, this concludes the definition of Mail Questionnaire along with its overview.

This article has been researched & authored by the Business Concepts Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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