This article explains definition, importance, types & example of E-Marketing from marketing perspective.
E-Marketing (Electronic Marketing), also known as Internet Marketing, Web Marketing, Digital Marketing, or Online Marketing, is marketing done through the internet on online channels. E-marketing is the process of marketing a product or service offering using the Internet to reach the target audience on smartphones, devices, social media etc.. E-marketing not only includes marketing on the Internet, but also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media. It uses a range of technologies to help connect businesses to their customers.
Like many other media channels, e-marketing is also a part of integrated marketing communications (IMC), which helps a brand grow across different channels. E-marketing has become a pivotal tactic in the marketing strategy adopted by companies using several digital media channels.
In modern times where most of the work and transactions are happening through online channels, it becomes every important for marketers to reach out to customers through right channels. Smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, laptops are being used globally to run businesses and buy and sell goods. E-marketing helps in reaching out to your audience on these channels along with traditional offline channels as well. Sometimes for some offerings, e-marketing is the only viable option.
E-marketing is very transparent in terms of its effectiveness as compared to offline marketing. One thing which makes e-marketing standout is the ability to measure the impact in real time. Marketers can see the performance and tweak the messaging accordingly which can be very effective when compared to offline marketing.
in the times of pandemic, online marketing becomes even more prominent when the offline or traditional marketing channels cannot deliver the optimum return on value.
Certain advantages of e-marketing are discussed as below:
1. Much better return on investment from than that of traditional marketing as it helps increasing sales revenue.
2. E-marketing means reduced marketing campaign cost as the marketing is done through the internet
3. Fast result of the campaign as it helps to target the right customers.
4. Easy monitoring through the web tracking capabilities help make e-marketing highly efficient
5. Using e-marketing, viral content can be made, which helps in viral marketing.
There are several ways in which companies can use internet for marketing. Some ways of e-marketing are:
1. Article marketing
2. Affiliate marketing
3. Video marketing
4. Email marketing/Newsletters
5. Blogging
6. Content marketing
7. Podcasts
8. Webinars
All these and other methods help a company or brand in e-marketing and reaching customer through the internet.
A good example would be a 360 degree campaign run by companies which include direct and indirect marketing channels for putting across the message. e-Marketing is used in form of newsletters, videos, podcasts and webinars which are directly positioned to the potential customers. Along with that customers also get to know about the company and products through social media connects, content marketing, thought leadership which are indirect marketing channels. All these channels are completely online.
These campaigns might also have offline counterparts which also deliver the same message or may be the entire campaign can be driven by e-marketing. Many companies are now using online channels extensively for marketing their products.
Apple, Samsung and other major phone manufacturers stream their new product launches across the globe showing the new features and pricing of the upcoming phones and other devices. Even gaming industry have many online events where upcoming games are presented to the audience.
Hence, this concludes the definition of E-Marketing along with its overview.
This article has been researched & authored by the Business Concepts Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.
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