
This article explains definition, importance & example of Backgrounder from marketing perspective.

Published by MBA Skool Team in Marketing and Strategy Terms Last Updated: January 22, 2024Read time:

Backgrounder Definition

Backgrounder data is part of a fact sheet which is a brief review of an organization's or a brand’s financial position, services, history, key personnel, mission and vision. Backgrounder is a brief article that summarizes an issue or company for the press coverage. It may be provided by a PR or freelance writer. It is provided with press releases. A backgrounder is generally sent to all media sources along with your news releases, press conference invitations, feature stories and other documents for a brief overview of the company.

They are very essential because a media house may release it in its statement as well. Backgrounders and facts sheets are generally short and crisp, very precise is objective.


Importance of Backgrounder in PR & Marketing

The importance is stated as follows:

1. To provide a brief history of an issue or an event that is beyond the information included in a press release or press advisory.

2. It serves the purpose of parsing out information to media personnel and press writers. It is an imperative for the company to want the media to have all the facts without digging much.

3. The main components of a backgrounder are the leading summary of the story, the history of the issue, the summary of the current action being taken, and some illustrative stories, which can be useful to media when crafting the report. These are included in the backgrounder because the release and advisory are precise and on point.

4. It provide background information to complete any stories journalists might write or air about your company. It also helps them decide whether covering your company falls within the purview of their media outlet. They information about the company’s main products and services, and its position in the market. They also aid in pitching to various places, local or non-profit based for example.

5. They are very accurate because the press may very well print or air it, and responses are very hard to come by, especially if the wrong information was provided by you.

6. They include web addresses that reporters can visit for more information. This helps you write about a certain flagship product and then the link takes reporters to a page full of the specs, prices, and media mentions of that product.

7. Reporters are deadline-oriented professionals. Backgrounders provide them with the information they need to write or air a complete story about you and therefore they may very well pick your news release out of the pile and run it on air.

Sample to Write a Backgrounder

The following details are required to write a backgrounder:

- Name of Organization

- Backgrounder

- Summary (of organization or product launch, etc.,)

- Insert a Summarizing Subtitle here (the backgrounder here delves into the important details of the situation. Discern the format of these details here)

- (Subtitles should be placed before every paragraph with new information.)

- Illustrative stories (Several stories are inserted which mirror the issue at hand and provide ample examples and details.)

- About the Advocacy Group (Provides background information on the organization itself)

- (This section often includes organizing mission, members and other vital information that the press outlet might need to know. Be sure to include a website and contact information.)

Example for a Backgrounder

1. It is very basic and is an update regarding a company’s product and policy terms. It is very precise and gives out exactly what it plans to register in the mind of the press. It states which old policies have been outcasted and what new policies have been adopted. Highlighting the change is such a precise note makes this backgrounder essential for a press release.

2. A general backgrounder showcasing a company’s history and what it is today, highlighting the difference in a separate paragraph and ends with information about its products and accessories.

The two examples show us how on is highlighting just the change in policy and how the other is showcasing what the company is about. Therefore the primary purpose of a backgrounder is to pass in information that a company specifically wants to convey to the press and public.

Hence, this concludes the definition of Backgrounder along with its overview.

This article has been researched & authored by the Business Concepts Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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