Product ID

This article covers meaning & overview of Product ID from operations perspective.

Published by MBA Skool Team in Operations and Supply Chain Terms Last Updated: November 11, 2023Read time:

Product ID Definition

Product ID is a methodology which helps in identifying a product without a full specifications specified on the label. In case of shipping and transportation of the items each and every document associated with the product carries this unique Product ID. It helps in tracking the item in any part of the supply chain.

It can also be referred as SKU, Item Code or Number. It is generally an alphanumeric code. This code is entered into the system like Material Resource Planning or related software packages. When the particular code is entered into the system the details of the product is displayed by the system.


1. Proper Identification and tracking of the product or consignment in a Supply Chain.

2. Helps in facilitating in reverse logistics or pickup of the product

In trade, Product ID is replaced by GTIN

The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) can be utilized by an organization to particularly distinguish the majority of its exchange things. GS1 characterizes exchange things as items or administrations that are estimated, requested or invoiced at any point in the inventory network.

Features of GTIN

• The GTIN can be utilized to distinguish sorts of items at any bundling. Gatherings of exchange things with comparable generation what's more, use qualities, for example, generation groups can be further related to the assistance of the group/parcel number, expiry date, and comparable information components. Individual exchange things can be extraordinarily recognized utilizing a GTIN in addition to serial number.

• When an organization has doled out a GTIN to an exchange thing, it gives a typical dialect for the greater part of its substances and exchanging accomplices worldwide to exceptionally recognize the thing and effortlessly convey data about the thing.

• There are four GTIN format. It is described as below

o 000000xxxxxxxx (GTIN-8)

o 00xxxxxxxxxxxx (GTIN-12)

o 0xxxxxxxxxxxxx (GTIX-13)

o xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (GTIN-14)

• GTINs can be utilized to unambiguously recognize exchange things on the web, for instance in lists, in electronic messages, for example, buy requests and receipts, and inserted in website pages to improve use via seek motors and other data purchasers

The above is a sample Product ID.

Hence, this concludes the definition of Product ID along with its overview.

This article has been researched & authored by the Business Concepts Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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